The best and complete collection of LMP's for DOOM II is listed on Ledmeisters Doomhelp-Page.
First attempt was to create a own site with LMP's, but there are things in the web you can't improve. This site is such a thing !
To start a LMP-Demo, you must type at the DOS-prompt:
where 'FILENAME' is the name of the LMP-file [of course, what a dull sentence ... :o) ]
As you already registred there are 32 different levels in Doom II, but not every level has its own sound !
Here you can find a list that explains how the sounds are divided between the levels:
map 11 = map 2
map 12 = map 6
map 13 = map 5
map 14 = map 8
map 15 = map 1
map 16 = map 10
map 17 = map 2
map 19 = map 7
map 21 = map 3
map 22 = map 8
map 24 = map 6
map 26 = map 20
map 27 = map 18
map 29 = map 7
So at last there are 18 sound files (midis) left over. Activate your sound device ! Here we go !!
For these topics are sites available one can't improve !!
If you want to know EVERY detail about the weapons/items/ammo, go 2 TEAPOTS :o) Doompage(s).
Just follow the LINKS below:
Teapot's Weapon Site
Teapot's Item Site
Teapot's Ammo Site
Searching for an answer ? Nearly all are given in the following four text files !!
FAQ's, section 1
FAQ's, section 2
FAQ's, section 3
FAQ's, section 4
There are several patches available to update older versions of DOOM ][ to the last version 1.9.
Just load down the one you need after checking out your actual version.
VERSION 1.666 ---> VERSION 1.7
VERSION 1.7 ---> VERSION 1.7a
VERSION 1.7a ---> VERSION 1.9